the honest spoon

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April 2020 | The Honest Spoon

If there’s one thing I miss, it’s crunchy snacks. Sure, I can much on celery or almonds- but sometimes a girl wants to DIP……or have a charcuterie board with some crackers!! A while ago, I found this recipe while scouring the internet. It’s a simple recipe that you can modify to your liking.

In the past I have added a tablespoon of black sesame seeds, or Zataar. These are the basic salt and pepper crackers the recipe calls for. For an ultra savory version, you can throw in a tablespoon of finely chopped dried herbs, a couple tablespoons of Romano Cheese and a dash of garlic powder. YUM.

When rolling this out, be sure to roll it out thin (about 1/16”) between parchment sheets. If it’s too thin, the crackers can get crumbly and won’t hold their shape.

The whole recipe is 17 net carbs, yields about 50-60 crackers- about 10 servings. Meaning, less than 2 net carbs per serving.

A serving is anywhere from 4-6 crackers. You’ll find the almond flour base quite filling.




| Makes about 10 servings |


  • 2 Cups fine almond flour

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

  • 1 large egg, room temperature


  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Using your hands, mix all ingredients in a bowl to form a ball of dough.

  2. Place the dough between two sheets of parchment and press into a rectangle shape about 1/2” thick.

  3. Using a rolling pin, roll crackers into a thin, even layer about 1/6” thick. Remove top layer of parchment and score into even crackers. Transfer parchment to baking sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes, rotating baking sheet halfway though bake time. TIP: be sure not to brown the crackers. Bake until just starting to get very lightly golden. Almond flour can turn bitter to taste if browned.

    Let cool entirely. Crackers will firm up when cooled. Store crackers in an airtight container up to 10 days.
