the honest spoon

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May 2018 | The Honest Spoon


I was experimenting with fresh pasta this weekend and stumbled upon something extraordinary! I get SUPER excited when this happens- especially when it's unplanned. You see, I was making my usual fresh pasta recipe, and I was just BORED at the thought of making the same thing once again. Even though my kids love it, I just wanted to try something different.

I just got back from Trader Joes where I bought fresh ricotta. So, I decided- "what the heck, let's make ravioli tonight". I also had some fresh basil and parsley. My original intent was to chop it up and mix it into the pasta dough.....SO GLAD I didn't! Instead, I tried laminating the herbs between two sheets of pasta.....AMAZING!

Here's what you'll need:

One FRESH PASTA recipe

Fresh Basil

Fresh Parsley

Fresh Ricotta

One Egg

Grated Romano Cheese

Salt & Pepper


Olive Oil


Red Chili Flakes


| Serves 4 |



  • One FRESH PASTA recipe

  • About one cup fresh basil leaves- destemmed, rinsed and patted dry.

  • About 1/2 cup fresh parsley leaves- destemmed, rinsed and patted dry.


  • 1 Cup Fresh Ricotta

  • 1/2 Cup freshly grated Romano cheese

  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

  • 1 egg

Before you get started I have a few tips! First, this may seem complex, but it's not! It's going to take a bit more time, but the results are worth it. It's a spectacular presentation for a special dinner or guest!

  1. In order to work efficiently, Prep your ricotta mixture first. Then, rinse and pat your herbs dry. lay out a clean tablecloth or large kitchen towel and sprinkle with flour (so your ravioli don't stick to it). Get your items ready and set up your work station in a manner that is efficient for you.

  2. Fresh pasta has a tendency to dry out a bit quickly. you will need to have at least three sheets of pasta ready to make your first set of ravioli. Work quickly, and make sure to sprinkle each past sheet with a bit of flour so they do not stick together!

  3. If you don't have a ravioli cutter, no problem! use a sharp knife and cut clean squares. You can use an edge of a fork to crimp the edges shut.



  1. Lay your first sheet of pasta on a lightly floured surface. Sporadically lay your herbs on the pasta.

  2. Dip your finger in water and lightly wet the entire edge of pasta. Work Quickly!

  3. Add another sheet of pasta on top of the herbs. Press the edges along the wet edge.

  4. Run a rolling pin across the entire two sheets of pasta to help bring the layers together slightly

  5. Run the pasta through the pasta machine on the "2" setting if you are using the Imperia Pasta Maker Machine (Like I used in my Fresh Pasta post) .


METHOD, continued:

  1. Lay your laminated pasta on a lightly floured surface.

  2. Evenly spoon a heavy tablespoon of ricotta filling onto the pasta. Be mindful of space you will need to cut around for final ravioli.

  3. Tip: this laminated pasta is precious! Maximize your usage!

  4. Using a simple egg wash, create a moistened rim around your ricotta.

  5. Lay a sheet of pasta over the ricotta. Be sure to gently press the pasta all around the ricotta. Try to eliminate any air pockets.

  6. Cut and set aside. You should get about 6-8 pieces per set.

  7. Repeat until you've used up your fresh pasta

  8. Boil in salted water for 4-5 minutes

  9. Strain and serve with desired sauce. Suggestions below!


1. Serve with fresh tomato sauce. You can find my classic recipe here.


2. Heat 1/2 C extra virgin olive oil, 4 tablespoons butter, and 3 mixed garlic cloves in a sauce pan. Add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes. ** Heat the oil and butter first- until the butter is just melted. Add the chili flakes and garlic until its heated through completely- do not let it brown! drizzle over pasta.