January 2018|The Honest Spoon



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I was recently in Bangkok for work. If you've never been, I suggest putting Thailand on your travel bucket list. The weather is warm. The people are friendly and inviting. The culture is fascinating and there is SO MUCH to see and do! 

Anyway, while I was there I tried the hotel's version of "avocado toast". In all honesty, I'd never had avocado toast before. I know that's unbelievable, and also a weird thing to try while in Bangkok... but, whatever. I was hungry and the description on the room servicemenu sounded great to me! While I munched on the hotel's version I was quickly rewriting the toast's future in my mind.  

First, you really only need ONE piece of toast. There's a lot going on here and two pieces just takes you over the edge from satisfied to way too full. Second, buy some good rustic bread. Really, it's worth it. I'm not a big bread eater but I don't skip out on good bread. Lastly, I don't like complicated food. Sorry, I'm just not that fancy. But since I generally buy few ingredients I buy them well - local, organic where it's not crazy expensive, and fresh. 

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Versatility is important in my house. While my husband and I tend to go Whole 30 or Paleo, my kids do not. I have never been the Mom who makes a bunch a different  things to satisfy everyone at every meal. So, by way of example, if you are GF, Paleo ,or on Whole 30, you can easily substitute the bread for cauliflower toast & omit the ricotta ( without the ricotta, you can double the avocado or an another egg). It's a really delicious option.  Since my husband and I are getting ready to embark on our Whole 30 journey-  a version of this with cauliflower toast will be a definite go to for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, It's that good!



| makes 2 |


  • 2 slices of rustic bread, like ciabatta, toasted
  • 1/4 Cup plain ricotta
  • 1/2 ripe avocado, sliced
  • 3 Cups arugula
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled. about 2 tablespoons
  • 2 poached eggs
  • salt & pepper to taste


1. Cut two slices of rustic bread, like ciabatta. Toast to your liking, 

2. Place toast on a dish. Add half the ricotta and spread evenly. Salt & pepper to taste.

3. Then, layer about 1/4 of an avocado, sliced, on top of the ricotta, Salt & pepper to taste.

4. Place the arugula in a small bowl. Add two teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil. Salt & pepper to taste. Toss salad and mix well. Add on top of avocado.

5.  Next, add one poached egg atop arugula. One egg per toast slice, Salt & pepper to taste.

6. Finally, add bacon crumbles atop the poached egg,


1. For super FAST poached eggs, or poached eggs on the go- Poach your eggs in the microwave with this handy little guy right here.  It's inexpensive and awesome. Keep one at home and one at work. I always add a couple drops of water to the poacher before adding the eggs. This helps them steam and prevents the rubbery texture you can get with cooking eggs in the microwave.  In about 45 seconds, eggs will poach to soft/ medium . So FAST!

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